What Factors Influence Dental Implant Cost?

May 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — olmstedvillage @ 11:37 pm

When you are contemplating a dental treatment, odds are one of your first considerations is the cost. As you may have discovered, when looking for prices online that information can be difficult to pin down. One procedure with a wide range of estimates is dental implant restoration. If you’ve been considering this treatment, you may have reached this conclusion yourself, as it’s almost impossible to find one answer. There are many factors at play with this tooth-replacement option that affects its affordability. Read on to learn from your implant dentist in Pinehurst which variables influence dental implant cost.

Location of the Implants in Your Mouth  

Front teeth are usually more expensive to replace since they need more care to match the angle of your jawline. Also, some cases may require more advanced work to achieve the desired results, hiking up the cost. Make sure you take into consideration the spacing and placement of your teeth when estimating a price.

Number of Implants Required

Some patients may only need to replace a single tooth, while others might seek an entire row. Of course, the more teeth that require replacement, the more the procedure will cost. But don’t worry, dental insurance often covers a percentage of the cost of implants.

Type of Implant Placement That You Choose?

Your dentist will use one of the following two processes to place a dental implant:

  • Two-stage process. After the implant is placed and the incision is healed, a second surgery is performed to install an abutment. This process involves two separate surgeries and is typically required when a bone graft is needed to ensure implant stability.
  • Single-stage process. A longer implant is placed that leaves the top exposed. After healing, a restoration will be attached without creating a new incision. This process eliminates the need for a second surgery.

The two-stage process will add to dental implant cost since it requires a second surgery. Your dentist will determine which option best meets your needs.

State of Your Oral Health Prior to Implants

A successful dental implant requires a healthy mouth. If you’re suffering from periodontal disease or any other oral health issue, most dentists won’t even consider dental implants until those problems are treated. In this case, independent treatments will be needed to ensure successful implantation which can add to the cost.

No two smiles are the same! The only way to get a truly accurate quote for dental implants is to consult with your dentist in Pinehurst. Don’t let the final price tag stop you from investing in a natural-looking, lifetime solution to tooth loss. While the cost of dental implants may be substantial, their value is worth every penny!

About the Author

Dr. Herbert Hudson has been working for Pinehurst and Taylortown smiles since 1985. He earned his dental doctorate from the University of Louisville. Dr. Hudson is a member of the American Dental Association and the American Academy of Implant Dentistry. If you are interested in dental implants, he is partnered with the area’s top implant experts and little-to-no interest financing is available through CareCredit. Schedule a consultation on his website or call (910) 295-2750.

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