Olmsted Village Dental Care Blog

I’m Scheduled to Get Dentures; What Will My First Month Wearing Them Be Like?

August 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — olmstedvillage @ 11:50 pm
Lady smiles

Modern dentures are incredibly comfortable and uncannily lifelike, but, like with virtually any dental appliance, it can take some time to get used to wearing them. Fortunately, dentures are a remarkably popular way to replace lost teeth, so there’s a lot of information available about what you can expect during the first month after getting a pair. Here’s a brief guide to staying comfortable while acclimating to your new set of dentures.


The Hidden Threat of Ill-Fitting Dentures

April 16, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — olmstedvillage @ 9:44 pm

Well-fitting dentures can absolutely change your life for the better. The number of foods you’ll be able to eat will expand dramatically, and you’ll be able to talk to people with much greater confidence than ever before.

However, poorly fitting dentures can be more of a liability than an asset. Not only are they inconvenient, recent research also suggests that they can even be a major health risk. Here’s what you should know about how loose dentures could affect your quality of life, potentially lead to serious health problems, and how to tell if your dentures are due for a reline.


Is It Okay to Drink Coffee with Veneers?

February 22, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — olmstedvillage @ 10:35 am
A hand holding a cup of coffee

So, you plan to get veneers for your teeth. You’re making a good choice – the treatment can give you a grin worthy of the red carpet. Even so, you may worry that a cup of joe would ruin things. One could wonder if coffee stains porcelain shells like it does teeth. Luckily, you can rest easy; your daily latte shouldn’t undo your treatment results. Your Pinehurst dentist will even explain. To that end, here’s why it’s okay to drink coffee with veneers.


Why Should I Still See a Dentist If I Have a Full Denture?

December 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — olmstedvillage @ 7:55 pm

Dentures have come a long way since George Washington wore false teeth made of ivory. Today’s dentures are incredibly lifelike and so comfortable that many patients frequently forget that they’re wearing them at all. While dentures are made from durable materials that are entirely immune to tooth decay, patients still need to practice proper oral hygiene and see a dentist regularly while wearing them. Here’s why it’s crucial to keep up with regular dental appointments if you wear dentures.


I’m Thinking About Getting Dentures; How Long Does It Take?

November 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — olmstedvillage @ 9:24 pm

Extensive tooth loss is a common oral health issue, and dentures allow patients to greet the world with a whole smile again. Modern dentures are incredibly lifelike and so comfortable that patients often forget that they are wearing them at all. They can also improve a patient’s diet by allowing them to chew a wider variety of healthy foods. Since dentures carry all these benefits, it’s no wonder that so many people are curious about getting them. Here’s a brief overview of how long it takes to get your own set of dentures as well as the steps the process entails.


Navigating Your First 30 Days with Dentures: What to Expect

July 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — olmstedvillage @ 10:28 pm
Older woman with questioning expression

If your missing teeth are making you self-conscious or giving you trouble when it comes to eating or speaking, you might be interested in receiving dentures. Modern dentures look like natural teeth and feel extremely comfortable, but like almost any new item you wear, it can take some time to get used to them. Read on to learn about what you can expect throughout your first thirty days with your new teeth and what you can do to keep them comfortable.


Why is a Healthy Mouth Necessary Before Cosmetic Dentistry?

April 28, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — olmstedvillage @ 7:03 pm

Happy female patient in dentist’s chairEverywhere you look, it may seem like you’re surrounded by stunning smiles. Most people don’t have perfect teeth naturally. Many turn to cosmetic dentists to fix their teeth. If you’re ready to stop feeling embarrassed by your smile, your first step to revamp your pearly whites is a cleaning and checkup. Although you’re concerned about the way your teeth look, your oral health is your dentist’s first priority. Here’s why your dental health matters before having any elective treatments.


How Soon Can You Return to Work After Dental Implant Surgery?

January 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — olmstedvillage @ 7:42 pm
closeup of dentist holding implant post

The process of getting dental implants requires oral surgery, which means you’ll have to set aside some time to recover. Of course, it’s completely normal to wonder how quickly you can return to your usual routine following the procedure. While many patients are able to go back to work the day after dental implant surgery, some have to take more than a day or two off. However, every case is unique, meaning it’s possible that complications could extend your recovery timeframe. Read on to learn which factors you need to consider when planning your return to work after dental implant surgery.


Causes of a Loose Tooth As an Adult

December 22, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — olmstedvillage @ 9:41 pm

Woman in shock with hand over her mouthA loose tooth is an exciting experience for young children; however, it can cause an adult to panic. You only get one set of adult teeth, and a loose one isn’t a good sign. Although the issue may not seem too alarming at first, you should call an emergency dentist right away. Depending on the underlying cause, you can be at risk of losing your tooth.


Is Tooth Sensitivity Considered a Dental Emergency?

November 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — olmstedvillage @ 6:45 pm
a woman experiencing tooth sensitivity in Pinehurst

Are you experiencing mild sensitivity in your smile when drinking coffee or while brushing your teeth? Even if your dental sensitivity is minor or happens occasionally, this could be an indication of an underlying issue that needs to be treated. However, you may be wondering if this sensation should be considered a dental emergency. Keep reading to learn the common causes of tooth sensitivity and tips on how to manage this condition!

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